What is the positive parenting approach?

What is the positive parenting approach?

Positive parenting is a parenting philosophy based on the assumption that children are good and want to do the right thing. It highlights the need for mutual respect and the use of constructive discipline methods.


Instead of punishing the previous transgression, good parenting teaches proper future behavior.


Making child-rearing decisions that represent your ideas and values as a parent, your child's age and stage of development, and their personality is what positive parenting is all about.

Benefits of positive parenting

Fewer problems with behaviour


Positive discipline, according to decades of research, has a positive impact on a child's behavior and emotional development.


Harsh, punitive parenting in early life, on the other hand, tends to lead to more behavioral issues. Parents that are cold, uninvolved, and insensitive to their children's needs develop children with poor self-control, which exacerbates the child's behavior problems.


A healthy relationship between parents and children


A positive parent should not be inclined towards punishing their child to rectify undesirable conduct. No more yelling, power struggles, or hatred exists. As a result, the dynamics between parents and children shift, and their relationship improves. The parent-child bond is also strengthened by mutual respect and open communication.


Unconditional Love for the Child


Parents must show their children the way and eventually urge them to venture out into the world to learn independently in order for them to grow into confident and secure individuals. The parent-child bond is crucial from childhood to adulthood; therefore parents should make sure their children feel loved unconditionally.


Parenting promotes a child's healthy development and self-development.


Some parents place excessive pressure on their children to perform well in school, follow the rules, and meet particular expectations. Children may come to believe that their parents' love and acceptance are conditional on those things over time. It's critical for you to let your children know that you will always be there for them as positive parents. Your children should know that they are loved in good times and bad, success and failure.


Some examples of positive parenting include:


  • Teaching and leading children build their confidence and equip them with the skills they need to make good decisions.


  • Positive communication helps children develop social and problem-solving abilities while also improving the quality of their relationships with caregivers and peers.


  • Children's self-esteem and confidence are boosted by warm and democratic parenting.


  • Parental monitoring encourages favorable teenage outcomes by encouraging prosocial peer connections.


  • Parenting that promotes autonomy encourages creativity, empowerment, and self-determination.


  • Children's confidence in themselves and the future is bolstered by supportive and optimistic parents.


  • Children's self-efficacy and the chance of engaging in prosocial, healthy activities rise when they are rewarded for positive behaviors.


  • Setting limits and enforcing punishments teaches children responsibility and accountability.


If you're thinking about becoming a parent for the first time, or if you're having problems with your children's conduct, you might want to learn more about the various parenting styles available. Some parents aren't even aware of how they raise their children.


All parenting methods, like most things, have advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to you to decide which is best for your family.