Tips for parenting a highly sensitive child

Tips for parenting a highly sensitive child

Sensitive children take in more sensory data from their surroundings than other children. Highly sensitive youngsters pick up on small sounds, odors, and nuances in drawings and architecture that other children miss. They may find particular dishes to be overly flavorful, or they may be allergic to certain textiles.


Following are some common characteristics found in sensitive children:


  • They are more thorough in their information processing. This rich, highly reflecting inner life feeds their creativity and insight.


  • They have a strong sense of empathy for other people. Highly sensitive children absorb their surroundings' emotions, sharing their highs and lows.


  • They are quickly excited to the point of exhaustion. Sensitive youngsters fatigue more quickly than other children and require more rest or quiet time.


  • They are prone to temper tantrums and meltdowns, which are frequently triggered by information or emotional overload. For sensitive children, situations that should be enjoyable – such as an indoor playground, a birthday party, or a day at a theme park – can rapidly become a nightmare.

Recognize their sensitivity.

Don't try to change your child's temperament if they are sensitive. Rather than seeing your child as "grumpy and whining," focus on their qualities and abilities. Recognize how something that may be simple for another youngster might be really challenging for a sensitive child.


Rather than preventing children from having strong emotions, focus on teaching them how to manage them in a socially acceptable manner. When you're angry with your child and wish they were less sensitive, remember that their sensitivity is frequently what causes them to be highly sympathetic and kind to others.

Keep an eye out for meltdowns.

Is your youngster alright during the day but then falls apart when he gets home? Because they are aware of others' expectations of them, some highly sensitive children will act appropriately at school and in public but then let loose once they return to their safe zone.


Allow his actions to reveal what may be generating tension, worry, or overstimulation outside the house.

Establish safe zones and boundaries.

A pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to sensitive children, who take in more information from their environment and are more receptive to it. For infants, this may imply keeping their resting area as quiet as possible.


Create quiet periods for older children following active and engaging activities. Assist them in establishing boundaries that will allow them to safely process difficult emotions.

Uplift them.

Family and acquaintances may have advised you to "toughen them up." This does not, in fact, work. Excessively harsh treatment of a sensitive child has the opposite impact. It breaks individuals down, makes them second-guess their judgments, makes them too sensitive to criticism, and might make them anxious or depressed.

Make a group of friends who will support them.

Friends who value your kid will be regarded highly by them. Because they are naturally compassionate people, they are not searching for short chats with passing acquaintances. Their tank will be filled with deep and meaningful connections.