The 6 BIGGEST mistakes parents make - (You wont believe number 4.) - Rebjoorn

The 6 BIGGEST mistakes parents make - (You wont believe number 4.)

A guide for first time parents

Bringing a baby home from the hospital is an experience like no other. Parents are in a state of complete bliss and delight. However, first-time parents and parents-to-be, apprehension is very understandable. Whatever one does to get ready for the arrival of a new baby, raising an infant comes with a learning curve.


Courses in Parenthood and Childbirth


As a new mom, you'll benefit much from attending childbirth classes. It's possible to sign up for a one-time course or weekly lessons over months or even years.


A certified childbirth educator normally teaches childbirth classes. This will help first-time parents make better decisions about their birth plans and, as a result, lessen their anxiety and concerns.


What You Need to Know About Breastfeeding


Even though breastfeeding is a natural process, some women find it challenging. These tactics will be beneficial:

1. Don't Wait


Women who breastfeed within an hour after giving birth appear to have an easier time of it. Don't be scared to ask for assistance; most hospitals have lactation consultants.

 2. On-Demand Nurse Service


During the first six weeks of your baby's life, you must allow him to breastfeed whenever he desires. The earlier you try to create a feeding schedule, the more likely it will interfere with the amount of milk you produce. The more your baby eats, the more milk you will create, so don't stress about running out.

3. Learn how to Latch


Your infant needs a deep latch to acquire adequate milk and protect your nipples from being damaged and painful. Lie him down on his side with his tummy to your chest before placing him on your breast.


To get him to open up wide, begin by tickling his mouth. Make sure that he gets the whole of your nipple and a significant bit of your areola.


4. Reach Out


  • Never be ashamed to seek assistance.
  • You'll have tough days, so start building your support system.
  • Never be afraid to bring up concerns with your child's pediatrician.
  • Consult with dependable relatives and friends for support.


5. Bonding


When a baby is born, it's ready to bond with its parents almost immediately. It's common for parents to be more anxious at times. The most important thing to remember is that bonding is a long-term process, not a one-day event.


One of the best ways for dads to bond with their newborns is to participate in the birth process, help with bottle feedings, read to the baby, sing, and bathe the baby.


6. Keeping a baby journal


A baby journal is a good place to keep track of everything from the time of feeding to the type of milk, the volume of milk, the number of soiled diapers, and the length of the child's sleep.


Keeping a baby notebook has numerous advantages. Your baby's behavior might be better understood by keeping a careful record of your baby's activities. If your infant exhibits any odd behavior, the recorded information can be shared with your pediatrician.


You can also utilize a baby journal to keep your spouse updated on your baby's day-to-day activities. Before handing over the care of the infant at specific times or on particular days, mentally preparing your spouse can be helpful.