Nutrient-Rich Foods for babies

Nutrient-Rich Foods for babies

While breastmilk and formula will provide the majority of your child's nutrition and calories until they reach the age of a year, providing nutrient-dense meals can help your child eat healthier in the long term.


Starting about 6 months, there are a couple of nutrient deficiencies that may need to be fulfilled.


Grain-based foods


Bread, pasta, noodles, morning cereals, couscous, rice, corn, quinoa, polenta, oats, and barley are all grain foods. Children need the energy to grow, develop and learn, and these foods provide it.


It's best to feed your child wholegrain pasta and breads, which have a low glycaemic index, to ensure that they have a steady supply of energy throughout the day.


Cooked spinach


The abundance of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients in spinach, such as folate, vitamin A, niacin, Vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium, contribute to its many health advantages. Spinach comprises a lot of insoluble fiber, which can assist with digestion.


Cooked spinach can be served as a simple side dish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Cook it until soft in a pan with butter and season it to your taste.




Milk, cheese, and yogurt are all important dairy foods, and protein and calcium are abundant in these foods.


Dairy meals can be introduced around the age of six months. Breastfeeding or formula should be your baby's primary source of nutrition until they are at least 12 months old when most children begin eating with their families. After that, if your child is consuming a balanced diet, you can offer them full-fat cow's milk.


Full-fat dairy products are required until toddlers reach the age of two since they are growing rapidly and require a lot of energy.


Bone broth


Bone broth is good for the digestive system, hair, and skin, and it's a terrific way to boost a baby's immune system and protect them from colds and flu. It's high in critical amino acids as well as other nutrients like calcium and magnesium.


You can serve homemade bone broth, store-bought bone broth reheated in an open cup, or homemade chicken soup with soft vegetables.




Phytonutrients and antioxidants abound in blueberries.


Wild blueberries have more antioxidants than practically any other food! They've been shown to protect brain neurons and even aid in the repair of brain and CNS tissue damage.


Bone density, blood pressure, cancer prevention, inflammation reduction, diabetes management, and heart health are just a few of the numerous health advantages they provide. Vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, copper, and manganese are all abundant in blueberries.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to solid food introduction but there are a few points to consider when feeding your baby foods which are rich in nutrients.


  • Not just the baby's age, but signals of developmental maturity for solids should be kept in mind.


  • Practice responsive feeding.


  • Begin with actual, nutrient-dense foods (especially foods high in iron & zinc).


  • Provide a wide range of flavors and textures, when developmentally appropriate.