Introducing your baby to solid food: best food options - Rebjoorn

Introducing your baby to solid food: best food options

The period of transition from breast feeding to real food is very important for your baby but establishing a positive relationship with food during infancy has lifetime benefits. When you start feeding your baby real food you are introducing them to the world of textures and flavors, and you are helping them to shape their food taste and build a healthy eating behavior.

Is your baby ready for solid foods?

The right time to introduce real food to your baby’s diet depends on the development of every infant. Usually, most toddlers are ready to start eating solid food around the 6th month, but there are signs that will help you recognize when the right moment is. They will be able to hold their head steady while staying in a sitting position. They will also be able to complete the eating process without distractions, that means that they will control their eyes, mouth, and hands so that they can pick up the food, put it in their mouth and swallow it without spitting it back out. If your baby is ready to start eating solid food before the sixth month you will probably see them chewing their fists, wanting extra breast milk, or waking up during the night more than usual.

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How to safely start with solid foods?

Most parents when they introduce their baby to solid food, they are concerned about common food allergies and the risk of choking. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the whole process with the help of your pediatrician and always supervise your toddler while eating. When it comes to foods that commonly cause allergic reactions such as peanuts, dairy, and fish it is recommended to start adding them to your baby’s diet in small portion and one at a time so that you can monitor how your baby reacts to them.

Best foods options to start eating solid food


Mushed bananas are a very good first real food option because of their soft texture and their natural sweetness. Your baby has already developed a preference for sweetness because of the breastmilk so it is familiar to that flavor. Bananas are a great source of carbohydrates that are easily digested as your baby doesn’t have all the enzymes to digest more complex carbohydrates. Bananas also have a high nutritional value as they contain vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.


Avocadoes are an excellent first solid food choice because they contain healthy fats and important minerals that are crucial for your toddler’s health and development. Avocados are rich in vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K, while they are also a source of fiber, potassium, and folate. You can either cut them in long thin slices or mush them and serve them with a banana for a healthy snack.

Baby food avocado

Red meat puree

Red meat can cover the nutritional needs of babies offering very important nutrients such as zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 that is unlikely to be found in plant-based sources that are easily digested. However, you must be extra careful with the preparation of the meat. The best option is to get organic, pasture-raised lamb or beef, cook it in a pot until it is completely cooked and chop it into small pieces. To turn into a puree blend it with some meat or vegetable broth until it gets a creamy consistency.


It is a common belief that yogurt shouldn’t be introduced in your toddler’s diet before the 8th or 9th month. Nevertheless, recent studies have demonstrated that the consumption of allergen foods like dairies early on can help your baby prevent the development of food allergies. Organic yogurt is a great food to introduce your toddler to dairy since it is easy to digest, and it is high in protein, healthy fats, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Furthermore, yogurt contains natural probiotics that contribute to a healthy gut.

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Introducing your baby to solid food can be an exciting experience

The end of the breastfeeding period and the instruction of your baby to real food is a milestone and can be a fun and exciting process for both parents and toddler. Teaching them how to open their mouth so that the spoon with the food can enter and how to keep the right posture to swallow correctly might take time but it is perfectly normal. Be patient if your baby rejects certain foods and keep trying different options, textures, and flavors. Try to listen to your baby and don’t stress if one day they eat less than they normally do. Allow them plenty of time to finish their food and try to praise and encourage them every time.