Do’s and don'ts for baby's first foods

Do’s and don'ts for baby's first foods

Your baby should be able to breastfeed, drink from a bottle, and gradually adjust to a sleep schedule by the time they are four months old. Around the 4 to 6 month point, though, as your baby develops and changes, it's time to introduce new foods.

Here are a few dos and don'ts for baby's first foods:

Do’s: being aware of the symptoms of an allergy

The importance of preparation cannot be overstated. We usually inform parents about some of the warning indicators to watch for if their kid develops an allergy, such as:

● Skin: swelling of the lips or tongue, swelling of the eyes, itchy all over, a few hives or hives all over the body, eczema worsening.

● Vomiting or diarrhea are symptoms of a digestive problem.

● Coughing, choking, wheezing, or any trouble breathing are all signs of a respiratory problem.

● Cardiovascular symptoms include bluish lips, mouth, or fingers, as well as a weak pulse.

● Consciousness loss due to the nervous system.

Do’s: begin introducing solid foods to your infant when he or she is around 6 months old

Breast milk or formula will satisfy all of your baby's nutritional needs until he or she is six months old. However, beyond 6 months, your infant requires more nutrients, particularly iron, than milk can offer.

If your baby can keep their head up, sit upright, make chewing motions, and show interest in your food, you can start introducing solids between 4 and 6 months.

Do’s: Begin slowly

Your infant will most likely just eat 1 or 2 spoonfuls at first.

The first stage focuses on acclimating your baby to the taste, texture, and act of feeding. So after they've had their milk, feed them.

As they begin to eat more, start with a tiny bit of milk at the beginning of the meal, then shift the milk to the conclusion of the meal, and eventually replace milk entirely with solid food.

Start with one meal each day and gradually increase to three by the time your kid is nine months old.

Do’s: feed your infant when they are cheerful and hungry

It's doubtful that your kid will have the patience to attempt something new if they are very hungry or exhausted. When your baby is full, food is unlikely to appeal to them. So plan your meals around when they're most responsive.

Don’ts: Refrain from forcing your baby from eating too much

You're teaching your baby to reject their body's cues if you force them to eat when they don't want to, which can lead to weight and health problems.

Instead, let your infant set the tone.

Before giving your infant another spoonful, wait for them to lean forward and open their mouth to indicate that they want more. A few nibbles here and there is fine, as long as they're not eating too much or too little.

Don't: put off giving high-allergy foods for a year

Pediatricians used to suggest waiting until a child was one year old before introducing high-allergy foods (think: nuts, eggs, wheat, etc.). According to new research, it's critical to start giving high-allergy foods to babies as soon as possible. Assuming your baby isn't at risk for food allergies, talk to your pediatrician about adding these foods to the mix after six months and the successful introduction of a few first foods. Milk, egg, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish are all high-allergy foods.