AVOID these 5 foods for your baby

AVOID these 5 foods for your baby

There are several foods that you should avoid feeding your baby throughout the first year of solids, no matter how much fun it is to introduce new meals to your kid. Choking hazards exist in some foods, while others are simply unsuitable for babies.


Here's a list of foods to avoid and when to offer them to your kid throughout the first year:


  1. Processed baby foods


It may be easy for busy mothers to buy commercial baby foods, but they are loaded with preservatives and additives to provide a long shelf life and a more appealing taste. Ingredient lists might be hard to follow, and it's impossible to tell how long the packages have been on the market.


Your infant also misses out on the many health benefits that come with feeding them only processed meals. Store-bought foods are inferior in terms of nutritional value and hygiene, and homemade mixtures are no exception.


  1. Honey


Sometimes, honey includes bacteria that may cause infant botulism, which is a life-threatening condition. It is advised not to feed your baby honey until he turns one. Tooth decay can be prevented if you limit your sugary foods like honey.


  1. Chocolate and other sweets


Adults may enjoy chocolate and sweets, but your infant doesn't need them. They're packed with calories that won't help them develop, but they'll keep them full for a long time. In addition, the sugar might harm young teeth as they begin to form.


Your infant's taste in food can be influenced by what you feed them as a newborn. It may be more difficult to persuade children to eat healthily in the future if you feed their sweet desire today.


Do not give your baby sweets or chocolate unless at mealtimes if you insist on doing so. As long as your infant is eating and drinking anything else, the sugar will have less of an effect on their teeth.


  1. Egg whites


Do not give a child under one-year-old egg products as a precautionary measure. Egg white proteins may induce allergic reactions, although egg yolk proteins are rarely a source of allergens. Egg white allergies often subside by the time a child reaches the age of five.


  1. Fruit juice


In terms of nutritional value, fruit juice isn't much better than sugar water; it has calories but no fat, protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin D, or fiber. During the first year of life, a baby's diet should be primarily breast milk or formula to avoid this problem. Drinking an excessive amount of juice can also lead to tooth damage, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues for your little baby.

Bonus tips


  • Choking hazard foods should be avoided at all costs, eg: large portions of meat and chicken, hot dogs, grapes, and candies.


  • Cut food into little pieces and supervise your child's eating habits at all times.


  • Snacks such as nuts and seeds should also be avoided.