Are you breastfeeding properly?

Are you breastfeeding properly?

Are you breastfeeding properly?

As a new parent, you obviously want to make sure everything is perfect for your little angel, so of course, breastfeeding will be an essential part to get right.

Breastfeeding a newborn

The most natural way for your baby to get fed will be through breastfeeding. But remember not to get frustrated if the baby doesn't do it right at first. Like so much else, it takes practice, from both baby and mum.

It will be ideal for most first-time mothers to have someone around to support them breastfeeding the first few times. By having an expert nearby, they can ensure that the baby has a firm grip on the breast which will, in time, mean that you avoid sore nipples, ensure your breasts are emptied and that your baby gets enough food as a result.

When breastfeeding it is important that the breast gets far enough into the baby's mouth, it should hit the roof of the mouth and the chin should be one of the first things to hit your breast. Now also make sure you make yourself comfortable, breastfeeding shouldn't turn into something uncomfortable, so get yourself seated nice and comfortably, if necessary, use pillows to support yourself and the baby.

Is my baby full?

As a parent, you obviously want to make sure your baby is comfortable, and a full tummy is a good start, but how can you tell if your baby is full?
Just as the rest of us can go into what's called a "food coma" after a meal, your baby does a bit of the same. Some tips to clue you in, if your baby is full or not are:

- If your baby is either sucking slowly or not sucking at all because he or she has fallen asleep

- Your baby may seem heavy and very relaxed in your arms

- You have a happy baby who won't take the breast again

According to renowned breastfeeding counselor Cathy Garbin, you can expect to breastfeed every two to three hours a day if you're unsure how often to do it. That's a minimum of 8 times a day. The first month can be the most active for your baby, so if your baby wants more milk, but you don’t have enough, don't worry. During the first time, your baby's stomach expands a lot, so your milk production also needs to be initiated and developed.

Finally, remember that your baby finds comfort in you and your breast and is not necessarily hungry.

How long should you breastfeed?

According to the Health Authority, newborns should be fully breastfed until they are 6 months old. After that, it is recommended to continue partial breastfeeding for 12 months, maybe longer.

But you can start formula-feeding from the age of 6 months. It may also be that the baby is ready for food sooner and wants it before 6 months. Some good meals to start with are things like porridge and mash, you could make the porridge from breast milk and serve it in a bowl that a little rowdy baby won’t knock over.